Together to help the world better!

Please help us change lives around the world.

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"

Support A Child in School

Support A Child in School

We support children in public schools with educational material and scholarships. But we can;t do this alone!
Give Scholarship

Give Scholarship

It takes a community to train a child. Support a child education to make the world a better place


Volunteers do not necessarily have the time. they just have the heart. Join us today to impact!
We’re helping hand on

hundreds of Nigerians across the country.

Affordable Healthcare
As a matter of human dignity, everyone is entitled to health care. Like any basic element of life.
Charity Libraries
To contribute our quota and striving to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.
School Outreach
To provide free education, through financial aid, bursary, grants, and scholarship.
Education & Training
Low skills perpetuate poverty and inequality. When done right, skills development can reduce un- and underemployment.
Abject poverty, and gender inequality undermine social structures and harbor hate and stiffed development.
Local outreach
True progress begins after a strong foundation is laid before an improved community can thrive.
help the world better

Featured Campaigns

Some of the beneficiaries of These campaigns powered by DAF are all full of smiles and energy as you can see the future’s looking so bright for them. Support us to do more!

You Can Make A Difference

Help our organization by donating today! All donations go directly to making a difference.
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Join Team
DAF welcomes every gender and tribe to join us in making impact in our world.
Give Monthly
Give Monthly
Giving in a charity run is an excellent way to challenge yourself and raise funds for a cause you care about.
Increases quality of life
“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.” Proverbs 19:17
Sponsor a Child
We want to support 70% of children in public schools with educational material and scholarships.
Widows Health
Widows benefited from our recent medical outreach. We want to ensure they have no health problems and live happily
Why Giving
Health benefits associated with giving can include: happiness and satisfaction, lower blood pressure, increased self-esteem, Less depression.

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